Wednesday, June 23, 2010

CFL Video

CFL Video
Amazing CFL Video. It makes one a little misty eyed.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Such a Sad Day

A while ago I Blogged about our 'week of lasts.' Well we started our last week and will be ending our last week with two of our biggest passions, prison and football. Angela and I love football and have been ticket holders of the BC Lions since before we got married. This past Sunday, June 20, we went to our last Lions game complements of Paul Jelinski, which just so happened to be the Lions first game at Empire Stadium. Amazing way to experience a last football game, even thought the Lions lost to the Edmonton Eskimos, the seats and atmosphere was out standing. We were so close to the field that I could spit on the players from my seat with out effort, no exaggeration. My head was no more than 10 feet above the field, it was like we were standing with the players on the side lines; We could here the conversations they were having with each other, the instructions from the coaches, and the orders being called out on the field from the QB. I so am going to miss that experience, a football game will never be the same again. That was the start of our last week, we will finish it with our last visit to the prison where we volunteer. That I know we will miss the most. We cherish each and every visit we make and always look forward to the next one. This last visit will be all that more heart wrenching as we got permission to bring Juliana in so the guys will get a chance to meet her. Unfortunately we won't be able to get a picture with her and the guys but she'll get to meet the guys that we visit with and they will get to meet her. The power and impact that a young innocent life has on the guys in prison is very moving and peaceful. For some of them it will be the first and only time they get to see a baby. An experience that they will cherish for the rest of their lives. It will be sad leaving it all but we will ultimately be rewarded for moving forward with our lives.

The Home Strech

It's now six days left till the move and I'm left to ponder the time spent with my In-Laws. After the decision was made to move into the Loeppky’s house I began to think of what I’d do to keep myself occupied during the day as I no longer have a job. I imagined rolling out of bed around 10 eat a leisurely breakfast, play with Juliana, watch some TV with Dennis and then enjoy a scrumptious supper prepared by my lovely wife. I figured it was a great way to rest up before the big move. What I didn’t picture is getting a honey-do list from my Mother and Sister in Law combined with my list I get from Angela. Am I complaining? Of course not! I am never bored, I always feel wanted, and gives me the chance to try things out before I implement them in our new house (this way if things go wrong I’ll have the practice so I don’t screw up in the new place), and I get all the baking I want. I know that the Loeppky's are very grateful for the time that they have with me as a lot has gotten done that just wouldn't get done if I weren't here. It will be weird not being here on a semi-permanent basis but that's just where Skype comes in and I expect a lot of calls.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

2 Week Notice

It has been some time since I have posted, having some blogging blahs. It has been a week of lasts for us, as we get closer to the Big Move there are more and more things that become our last. Our final good bye will be on June 26 at Mill Lake Park at 5pm. Hope you can come! Other than that I've been pretty busy with phone calls to lawyers, banks, mortgage brokers, financial advisors, gas, internet, electricity, water, moving trucks and so on. How does one stay sane? Wii, yes we bought a Wii and I'm loving it, hence why I haven't been on here. But I have been training a replacement and hopefully she will be able to ramble off babblings like a chip off the (not so) old block. I think I will call her Mini Me

Friday, June 4, 2010

Just For You Aaron

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Not the greatest pictures but it's all I had. Yes I was there!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reporting from Downtown Edmomton

Here I sit cooking my food at the GoBackpackers hostel in Downtown Edmonton. Today has been a crazy busy day; I got a job working for 3D Fire, saw our new place and observed the home inspection. I basically went to Edmonton with nothing and am leaving with a house and a job. Now I get to rest up for my drive home. Why drive? Because we saved about $400 in plane tickets and no I don't mind the drive. It was very overwhelming to be standing in our new house, but it was a very sad overwhelming feeling because Angela wasn't there. I know enough of the sappy stuff, but damm it I miss her. It's a nice house, a couple of minor touch ups and personal preference changes, other than that it's our home. My job interview went very well, thank you for your prayers. I start at the beginning of July, 3D does inspecting and testing of fire systems and alarms, with me on the job they now also do repairs to sprinkler systems. I drove by Angela's school, it's still under construction, but looks pretty damm good, I know she is excited about starting. Well my food is ready, I am going to eat, sleep, and go home.