Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Home Strech

It's now six days left till the move and I'm left to ponder the time spent with my In-Laws. After the decision was made to move into the Loeppky’s house I began to think of what I’d do to keep myself occupied during the day as I no longer have a job. I imagined rolling out of bed around 10 eat a leisurely breakfast, play with Juliana, watch some TV with Dennis and then enjoy a scrumptious supper prepared by my lovely wife. I figured it was a great way to rest up before the big move. What I didn’t picture is getting a honey-do list from my Mother and Sister in Law combined with my list I get from Angela. Am I complaining? Of course not! I am never bored, I always feel wanted, and gives me the chance to try things out before I implement them in our new house (this way if things go wrong I’ll have the practice so I don’t screw up in the new place), and I get all the baking I want. I know that the Loeppky's are very grateful for the time that they have with me as a lot has gotten done that just wouldn't get done if I weren't here. It will be weird not being here on a semi-permanent basis but that's just where Skype comes in and I expect a lot of calls.

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